Integrating Pricer ESL with ERP
To display item-related information on an Electronic Shelf Label (ESL), an integration is required between an ESL management software and a customer-operated price control application (PCA). A price control [...]
Hybrid Self-Checkouts
The retail sector is going through a significant transformation, driven by new technologies and changes in consumer behaviour. From mobile transactions/payments to autonomous checkouts, today's consumers seek versatility, prioritize [...]
Big Data and POINTER Store Analytics
Large datasets, often associated with big data, are a principal feature of modern enterprise retail systems, due to the volume and complexity of the data involved. Retail systems commonly [...]
Integrating Pricer ESL with ERP
To display item-related information on an Electronic Shelf Label (ESL), an integration is required between an ESL management software and a customer-operated price control application (PCA). A price control [...]
Hybrid Self-Checkouts
The retail sector is going through a significant transformation, driven by new technologies and changes in consumer behaviour. From mobile transactions/payments to autonomous checkouts, today's consumers seek versatility, prioritize [...]
Big Data and POINTER Store Analytics
Large datasets, often associated with big data, are a principal feature of modern enterprise retail systems, due to the volume and complexity of the data involved. Retail systems commonly [...]
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