Our Dev Team successfully completed the accreditation procedure with the Tax Administration in Serbia for the new version of our fiscalization software solution “POINTER Fiscal ESDC”.
The “POINTER Fiscal ESDC” is a customized solution intended for use in the Republic of Serbia, which implements the software “External Sales Data Controller” (E-SDC/L-PFR).
The new version of the software includes changes to the fiscal database, enhancements of the Web application for reporting, and general software performance improvements.
For more information on the solution, visit

Our Dev Team successfully completed the accreditation procedure with the Tax Administration in Serbia for the new version of our fiscalization software solution “POINTER Fiscal ESDC”.
The “POINTER Fiscal ESDC” is a customized solution intended for use in the Republic of Serbia, which implements the software “External Sales Data Controller” (E-SDC/L-PFR).
The new version of the software includes changes to the fiscal database, enhancements of the Web application for reporting, and general software performance improvements.
For more information on the solution, visit
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