Monthly Archives: August 2024

ANKER POS Poles – An Example of Modularity


The modular product concept of our mounting solutions enables the rapid and effortless assembly of ergonomic and hygienic checkout stations using standardized components. This flexibility allows for the customization of each setup to perfectly suit individual requirements. Thanks to our modular principle, users can freely select the height, number, and orientation of the arms, [...]

ANKER POS Poles – An Example of Modularity2024-08-21T15:48:39+02:00

Optical vs. Radio – Difference When Using ESLs


Optical wireless communication and radio communication have a lot in common, but there are a few physical differences! Noise-Free Optical Spectrum The main difference is that the optical spectrum (880 nm) is almost noise-free. Unlike radio systems, which suffer from interference with other signals, WiFi networks, and devices, the optical spectrum remains largely uncontested. [...]

Optical vs. Radio – Difference When Using ESLs2024-08-21T15:13:00+02:00

Why Open Source?


Our customers often ask what open source software is and why do we prefer the use of open source over proprietary software for our projects. The short answer is: it gives us access to innovations and latest technologies at no license cost, and an opportunity to maintain a modern technology stack without vendor lock-in. [...]

Why Open Source?2024-08-21T14:39:52+02:00
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