Monthly Archives: May 2024

Integrating Pricer ESL with ERP


To display item-related information on an Electronic Shelf Label (ESL), an integration is required between an ESL management software and a customer-operated price control application (PCA). A price control application is commonly included as a retail-specific module in the Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP), but it can also be a Backstore computer system, or [...]

Integrating Pricer ESL with ERP2024-05-06T18:48:08+02:00

Hybrid Self-Checkouts


The retail sector is going through a significant transformation, driven by new technologies and changes in consumer behaviour. From mobile transactions/payments to autonomous checkouts, today's consumers seek versatility, prioritize efficient and convenient shopping, and prefer stores that provide a quick and easy checkout experience. Since "time = money," retailers must offer multiple payment options [...]

Hybrid Self-Checkouts2024-05-06T18:37:49+02:00

Big Data and POINTER Store Analytics


Large datasets, often associated with big data, are a principal feature of modern enterprise retail systems, due to the volume and complexity of the data involved. Retail systems commonly generate huge amounts of data collected from various sources, such as invoices, card payments, loyalty transactions, or fiscalization. Furthermore, retail [...]

Big Data and POINTER Store Analytics2024-05-06T18:52:43+02:00
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